
Our Mission

What we put on our bodies is just as
important as what we put in our bodies.
Learn more about how we make the
best skin care products, using the finest,
most effective, natural ingredients.


” Natural body lotions are a staple for me, and something that can be hard to find at a top quality and fair price. I LOVE the dulce vida lotions! They are high quality, incredibly nourishing for your skin, pure clean ingredients and an affordable price. I recommend them to clients with dry skin and give them as gifts to family and friends. ”
Lori Vincze, Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Owner of Panacea Acupuncture, Santa Teresa, CR

Como en el spa. La crema facial de coco es un verdadero placer usarla, es suave y no irrita la piel porque contiene aceite de coco natural. La locion corporal de coco es una delicia, se absorbe muy bien, huele delicioso, y la piel se siente hidratada todo el dia. ”
Nicole Roqhuette, Santa Teresa, CR


Want to be a wholesaler?

Do you like our products?
Would you like to sell them in your store?
We are always looking for like-minded partners
who support natural and organic products.
For more information, contact us today!